Purchasing a Puppy With Confidence...

Do Your Homework:
Thorough and comprehensive information is the most important thing you need to undertake before purchasing any breed of dog. Once you have established that your chosen breed is suitable for your lifestyle, home area, and time constraints, then you need to make sure that you find a reputable breeder and become very well acquainted with the breed. This is best done before you bring a puppy in to your home. It is always recommended that you visit several breeders in order to see first hand the differing temperaments in this breed of dog and to ensure that if you have the adequate facilities to manage this breed as it develops.When visiting breeders, pay attention to way the puppies and adult dogs are housed. Depending on the age and stage of development the dog needs will vary

Breed regulations:
In the different countries and different clubs there are very different breed regulations with numerous pro and cons. In Europe the dog breed club in Germany is most strongly regulated, in addition, the differences from club to club are considerable here. The most reasonable solution is a minimum of regulations and regulations and a maximum at information and consultation.

Each breeder is responsible for their breed and it means they must be aware of problems within the breed and breed only for the betterment of the breed.

Health and Temperament:
A good temperament and sound physical health combined are the most important conditions for any dog. This is essential in order for a long and healthy life at home with you. Observe how the dog behaves with the breeder and how the dog reacts to strangers, and what level of training they have had. Adult dogs in the presence of the breeder should allow strangers to touch them and be interested and friendly. Some may be perhaps aloof, but never however aggressive. Puppies in all cases must wake up playful and friendly.

Different breeds have different and sometimes specific health problems. These are based on different causes, and to the most should be able to be avoided. Most breeds are accessed for Hip Dysplasia and the X ray results of the parents are on the pedigree and registration papers of your puppy.

Purchase price:
The price for a puppy can vary from country to country and from breeder to breeder. Many countries such as the UK, NZ and Australia have very strict quarantine guidelines. It is important that if you are thinking about importing a dog to a rabies free country from a European Union country, that you are confident your breeder has a thorough understanding of the strict quarantine requirements.

Puppy with blemishes:
Now and then there are puppies that are mismarked, have incorrect dentition or lack of pigment or extremely light bright eyes. There are ways that these can be sold.
1) The puppy is sold at a reduced price because of the fault.
2) The puppy is sold for full price and part of the purchase price is returned if the fault does not correct after maturity of the dog.
I believe the best policy is the first one.

Sales contract:
Thoroughly look into any sales contract. especially any where a specific fault is mentioned or special arrangements (e.g. stud rights) are included.

Questions to the breeder before the purchase of a puppy:
Are the parents of the puppy X-rayed for Hip Dysplasia? What is the result? (the hp result should be in no case more badly than HD-C, ideally HD-A or HD-B)

Are parents missing 2 or more teeth. If more than two teeth are missing then caution is required.

Was the dog mated naturally?

Is in-breeding coefficient? How much inbreeding was there on the past 5 generations. It should not be too high)

How many shows does the breeder attend? How well do their dogs rate in the show ring. This question establishes not only the type and quality of the dogs but also their temperament.

How much health testing does the breeder initiate. It is a good indicator on the activities of the breeder.

Good luck with your search for a puppy!
